Mass for You at Home, which was first broadcast in 1971, was a project of the Archdiocese of Melbourne until 2021. The weekly Mass, broadcast each Sunday morning, was established to allow viewers to participate in a Sunday Mass from their homes. It is viewed by people across Australia every Sunday on Channel 10, and this Mass is repeated on the Aurora Channel on Foxtel during the week. It can also be viewed online at 10 Play or on this website’s home page.
Mass for You at Home offers a pastoral gift which is highly valued by its viewers. It represents a long-standing commitment to the faithful and a presence on public media. Letters to the Mass for You at Home producers indicate that most of the viewers are those who are isolated from the usual parish celebration through age, distance, illness or imprisonment. With COVID-19 restrictions dramatically increasing the number of people in this situation, the need for virtually accessible worship services has never been greater.
In April 2021, the Diocese of Wollongong became the new producer of Mass for You at Home, beaming Mass into people’s living rooms across the country each week from Easter Sunday. The project is a partnership between the Diocese of Wollongong and the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference.
Bishop of Wollongong, Most Rev Brian Mascord DD, said the diocese was very excited to be entrusted with producing Mass for people who are homebound, without internet, or in prison, aged care facilities and hospitals, as well as those flicking through the channels on a Sunday morning.
Read the official Release by the Diocese of Wollongong here.
Watch a Behind the Scenes video below to get a glimpse of how Mass for You at Home is made and who it serves.

Who runs Mass for You at Home?
Mass for You at Home is a partnership between the Diocese of Wollongong, which produces each Mass, and the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference. They took over the ministry in April 2021.
Who pays for Mass for You at Home?
Many dioceses and bishops support Mass for You at Home financially and through the provision of priests and other liturgical ministers. Catholic Mission has been our key sponsor for many years. A fundraising program was launched to invite individuals and groups to support this important ministry.
How much does it cost to produce and broadcast Mass for You at Home?
In the past decade, broadcasting rules were changed that meant commercial TV stations no longer had to air religious content. Mass for You at Home was considered a vital ministry to continue, but it is now treated as a 30-minute advertisement, which is very costly.
Under current arrangements, it costs about $10,000 to produce each Mass – meaning the annual cost is approximately $520,000. It is hoped that donations from individuals, groups, dioceses, religious orders and Catholic organisations will see that $520,000 raised to cover the cost of bringing Mass to the masses.
How can I support Mass for You at Home?
There are a number of ways to support this ministry. Firstly, you can pray for those who rely on Mass for You at Home for spiritual nourishment and those who produce the Mass. You can also let friends and family know that Mass for You at Home is on Channel Ten and WIN TV each Sunday morning at 6am. You can also donate via massforyou.com.au, by sending a cheque to Mass for You at Home, GPO Box 841, Brisbane City, QLD 4000 or by direct debit. We can provide the direct debit details if you need them.
Can I make donations via direct deposit?
The National Committee for Mass for You at Home is overseeing the fundraising program and administration support for the project. Please send any electronic transfers to this account:
Name of Account: Mass for You
BSB: 084-034
Account: 76-617-0804
Please include Mass for You or MFYAH in the reference/details field and, if possible, please email gavin.abraham@catholic.org.au to advise of the date of transfer and amount transferred.
Are donations to Mass for You at Home tax-deductible?
Mass for You at Home donations are not currently tax-deductible, but we are seeking advice on how to gain the necessary status to make donations tax deductible.
Can I support Mass for You at Home in my will?
Yes, you can. You will need to speak with AskRIGHT, our fundraising partners, about that option. Please provide your details and we will put them in contact with you.
Where is Mass for You at Home broadcast from?
Due to broadcasting requirements, Masses are pre-recorded at St John Vianney Co-Cathedral in the Diocese of Wollongong. Members of the public are not currently able to attend filming sessions.
Why don’t you just use a livestreamed Mass?
Broadcasting requirements mean Masses need to be pre-recorded, rather than livestreamed. There are also many people in Australia who don’t have the internet – 2.5 million according to the last Census – and people in various settings like prisons, hospitals and aged care facilities, that don’t have easy access to the internet. By pre-recording Masses, we can also ensure that Deaf and Hard of Hearing people can pray along through the use of AUSLAN.
Can I watch Mass for You at Home online?
Yes, you can. Mass for You at Home is made available at massforyou.com.au at 7am Sydney time each Sunday, and also via the 10Play website. We also have a YouTube channel, where the Mass premieres at 7am each Sunday.