One donor to Mass for You at Home sent in a one-dollar coin, carefully wrapped and with a note saying, ‘I wish I could do more’. It was a joy to receive this gift and it mattered every bit as much as some of the larger amounts we have received. All gifts matter. Each and every one.
We know of a growing number of bequests (gifts in Wills) in support of Mass for You at Home. For some of us, this is the time we can be most helpful. If you might like to do this, we recommend you talk to your lawyer and with your family.
And what else do you need to know? Firstly, the legal entity that the Bequest should be left to is the AUSTRALIAN CATHOLIC BISHOPS CONFERENCE, ABN 60 597 896 756. The ABN number removes any doubt about which organisation is intended to receive your gift. Secondly, we suggest that you then describe the purpose of the Bequest in these words or similar words: ‘For Mass for You at Home or similar ministries within the Catholic Church’.
We have suggested these words not to imply that the Church would want to divert the funds away from Mass for You at Home, but only because if Mass for You at Home has a changed name, or is no longer being broadcast, you may want the bequest used in a similar or related way. Your lawyer may like to suggest other words that better express your wishes.
On behalf of everyone working to keep Mass for You at Home on the television screens of Australia, we warmly thank you for your support now and in the future. And if you do decide to provide a bequest in your Will in favour of Mass for You at Home, we would very much like to know, and be able to thank you in a much more personal way.
If you would like further information about this, please email the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference at